2025 Tuition Info
Tuition is annual based on the number of hours students are enrolled, divided into 10 monthly installments:
Student’s total hours per week
10 Monthly Tuition Installments of annual
tuition September 4th - June 15th
.75 (45 minutes)
1 hour
1.5 hours
2 hours
$118/mo (10% discount)
3 hours
$156/mo (20% discount)
4 hours
$208/mo (20% discount)
4.5 hours
$220/mo (25% discount)
Drop In Rate:
$20/hr payable on the day of class
*Adults Only Class Card Special Option
$20/hour or $150 for a 10 hour punch card (expires 6 months from issuance)
Note: Some adult classes are 1.5 hours
There is an annual $50 registration fee per family
Sibling Discount
- 2 children enrolled, 10% off the lower tuition
- 3 children enrolled, 10% off the lower tuition, 20% off the lowest tuition
- 4+ children enrolled, 10%, 20%, and 30% off for any additional students